Conspiracy of Conspiracies
The Political War Against Your Conscience
From the highest levels of government and public influence, there’s a premeditated effort to publicly round up millions of citizens and execute their credibility.
Rather than the firing squad, they employ psychological methods more acceptable to the human conscience. Rather than a rifle, their weapon of choice is a combination of two misconstrued words, “conspiracy theory”.
These enemies of truth think they hold a monopoly on this contemptuous phrase of political mockery. Need to fact check? Do a google search and you’ll find it used religiously and almost exclusively to characterize a set of facts as fiction if they conflict with the prevailing narrative. Rarely will you find it used in any other context.
Personal research is heavily criticized and supposedly no one is entitled to their interpretation of facts. Anyone who would dare challenge the official narrative pushed by the approved experts are vilified as kooky liars seeking attention – conspiracy theorists.
This is the depraved social crusade against the noble quest for truth in America. Its core mission is to protect universal evils from being exposed and falling under due criticism by the masses. As a consequence, truth seekers become an irritation to society in their efforts to hold corrupt leaders accountable. As Selwyn Duke skillfully wrote, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
But it’s a double-edged sword when it comes to conspiracy theories. While the term is employed for evil, it is well earned by those who invent facts supported by vague suspicions, driven by an unbridled pursuit of justice. So many, including those who mean well, are guilty of spreading falsehoods in the name of exposing truth, without properly verifying information.
The chaos around conspiracy theories is maddening! Discerning reality from fiction is a grueling task when surrounded by lies on every side. How is anyone to find truth without being bamboozled or held in contempt? Do we just throw our hands up in the air and surrender our minds to the will of these arrogant political brats?
Ha, that’s cute.
It’s high time we hold these scumbags to the fire by exposing their intellectual coup and embracing our freedom to think critically for ourselves.
Definition is Controlled
While the true definition of a conspiracy theory was hijacked by the elites, we can retain control by going back to the dictionary:
Merriam-Webster – “A secret plan made by two or more people to do something that is harmful or illegal”
Merriam-Webster – “An idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain facts or events”
According to the widely accepted Merriam-Webster dictionary, a conspiracy theory is “A theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators”.
“By true definition, every rational person is a conspiracy theorist, because every rational person affirms the existence of conspiracies which requires a hypothetical set of facts to be accepted as true”
Notice there’s absolutely no mention of fiction in the definition. Nowhere does it suggest falsehood or delusion in regard to the theory in question – as the fact-checking morons would have you believe. Rather it implies neutrality in regard to the accuracy of the facts proposed. Veracity lives completely outside of the definition.
To characterize a conspiracy theory as a lie is, by definition, false. It would be more accurate to label a conspiracy theory as false, provided its content is truly false. But a conspiracy theory is not inherently false by definition.
Why is this important? Because the wicked aim to neutralize the perceived existence of greater conspiracies by classifying them as lies. By perverting the true definition, they protect evil from falling under just speculation and eventual condemnation.
Those who knowingly bend the definition to protect evil and disparage a class of citizens in this manner are wretched liars who themselves propagate their own conspiracy theories and demand blind conformity thereto. It is our prerogative to level the playing field by restoring the proper definition.
By true definition, every rational person is a conspiracy theorist, because every rational person affirms the existence of conspiracies which requires a hypothetical set of facts to be accepted as true.
Facts are Divided
Now we need to get facts straight. As Ben Shapiro famously says, “facts don’t care about your feelings”, which is to say facts are self-determined, not contingent upon how people feel. John Adams was also wise in saying, “facts are stubborn things”.
But who determines a fact to be true? While facts are stubborn, so are human beings who interact with them. It would be idiotic to suggest all people agree on all the same facts as truth. To pretend all facts are equal in their consensual nature is foolish and arrogant.
The problem with facts is they require one crucial piece to be verified: evidence. While some evidence is undeniable to the naked eye, most is either hidden to the senses or difficult to interpret on the surface.
Consequently facts are divided into two categories; objective and subjective. There are those which are indisputable by any coherent person, and those that require more than a simple observation to be believed.
For example, it’s an objective fact that, on September 11, 2001, the two World Trade Center towers reduced to dust and rubble in 10 seconds on average. No one can reasonably argue with any of this. But any causal explanation as to how they fell is subject to interpretation and research. The predominant conspiracy theory pushed by the elites confidently insists the buildings collapsed due to structural failure by fire from the planes hijacked by terrorists, while alternate theories speculate it was a controlled demolition to conceal massive corruption contained in the buildings and provide an excuse to go to war in the Middle East. Regardless of the theory, we clearly have two types of facts at play; one that is universally agreed upon and one that is not.
Getting your facts straight begins with the division of their types. To treat all as equal is to blur the line between undeniable truth and speculative opinion.
Facts are Overrated
The widespread obsession with facts in our modern day is misplaced. While they are absolutely essential to establishing a valid theory, many are subject to human error and abuse.
Consider the following reasons why facts are overrated when they are presumptuously imposed by arrogant sources.
1. No one is God
Only God has the edge on knowing all the secrets of man and their schemes. So, in one sense, facts are overrated because it’s impossible for any human to possess all of them.
The biggest lie surrounding conspiracy theories is that we have the ability and even obligation to know enough facts to form a conclusive opinion on any given matter. Many are pressured into adopting a theory from external influences without a rational justification.
Most egregiously, the mainstream news media presumes to be the golden source for truthful facts and imposes them on the populous with misguided authority. If you question any aspect of their theories for any reason, you’re classified as a rebel and, in modern America, a threat to democracy. This underlying arrogance of presuming to have the upper hand on facts is a despicable tactic used to compel vulnerable minds to concede their conscience and conform without question.
On the other hand, there are those who recklessly promote speculation about the existence of hidden corruption and form movements around exposing it to the public. Any attempt to challenge these proposed facts based on reason is shamed as capitulation to evil and indifference toward justice.
To avoid these psychological traps, be content with not knowing when knowing is presently hindered. It is perfectly ok to not have all the facts while maintaining a disbelief toward an official narrative because we are not God who knows all things, and this same God who has all the facts has given us eyes and ears to inform our conscience when things simply don’t add up.
2. No one is entitled to trust
People are more likely to accept something as true from a source they trust. In this sense, facts are overrated because the criteria for this varies from person to person.
No one is entitled to trust. It’s extremely presumptuous of anyone to think they can be trusted simply due to status or credentials. To demand blind trust is disingenuous and, by itself, should compel anyone to hold reasonable suspicion.
When suppression becomes a necessary means of persuasion, there is little reason to believe the best of intentions. Any effort to silence the opposition is a valid grounds for distrust.
When forceful tactics are used to drive people away from their conscience, it is reasonable for trust to be suspended indefinitely.
When words disagree with each other or conflict with actions, they become suspect and disqualified for trust.
3. Everyone has a different filter
Many facts are subject to interpretation. In this sense, facts are overrated because not everyone views them through the same filter.
To expect everyone will arrive at the same theoretical conclusion based on a set of facts completely ignores the reality of personal commitment to a worldview. Views on morality and ethics, to name a couple, heavily influence a person’s judgement and willingness to embrace a narrative.
Especially in a polarized political climate, it is very common for a set of facts to produce a range of theories.
Facts are overrated when they are presumptuously imposed without regard for a diverse and fallible human race. On an individual level, facts should always be vetted by the conscience. Any attempt by an external source to censure or condemn this practice of verifying truth is a wretched crime against the free mind and conscience of its target persons.
Conscience is King
Everyone has a built-in mechanism by which they determine something to be true or false, which is informed by the senses and determined by a personal framework of morality and logic. In order for something to be properly accepted as fact, it needs to successfully pass this firewall known as the conscience.
“To abandon the conscience is to undermine the primary defense against deception.”
It starts with seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, or tasting one’s surroundings – external senses. This information is then sent to the brain for translation and analysis – internal senses. Once the data is processed and decoded, there is no going back. It is near impossible to un-know what is unavoidably known to the mind.
Straight up bypassing the conscience is never acceptable! Otherwise there’s no such thing as personal conviction and oppression is a valid form of human interaction. It is the apex of irrationality and stupidity to relinquish your sense of discernment for any reason. To abandon the conscience is to undermine the primary defense against deception.
Furthermore, it is a violation of conscience to turn a blind eye; to willfully deprive it of evidence. Ignorance may be bliss for the moment, but in the end it leads to foolish denial and self-inflicted misery and confusion.
All ideas must be subservient to the conscience, not the other way around. To get this wrong is to be a slave to the will of intellectual bullies and tyrannical serpents. In the end, to go against your conscience is satanic because, you know, Genesis 3.
Fear is Slavery
The greatest threat to our conscience is fear. As long as we allow external pressures to exploit our fragile anxieties, we fall prey to deception and discernment falls to the wayside. Without a strong defense, our mind surrenders to that which contradicts our good sense. Overtime, we become self-delusional, adopting narratives guided by our fears.
“Fear corrupts the mind and enslaves it to another. It compels us to abandon our good sense and judgment for safety and security.”
In the foggy space of conspiracy theories, there are four major types of fear capable of undermining our conscience.
1. Fear of the Unknown
By nature, we demand an explanation for threatening circumstances and events. To be in the dark is unsettling and feels chaotic. We want answers to settle our anxious minds and provide a sense of security in the midst of uncertainty.
This fear of the unknown lands us in a vulnerable position of desperation, to haphazardly embrace a more complete theory, regardless of its logical and rational standing. In effect, we give the power of determining facts to the weakness of fear rather than the strength of our impenetrable conscience.
2. Fear of Isolation
For many, standing alone is uncomfortable or frightening. To hold a perspective contrary to popular opinion is intimidating and causes self-doubt.
When this fear of isolation takes over, security is found in good company rather than a good conscience. A feeble sense of belonging replaces a sturdy resolve of mind to bolster the truth.
The mainstream news outlets are the biggest exploiters of this kind of fear. By creating the illusion of a majority, they cheat many out of a good conscience by seducing them with a path to wider acceptance.
This method of persuasion is deeply rooted in a logical fallacy called “Argumentum ad populum” (Appeal to the people), which presumes something is true because the majority affirms it to be true. The primary issue here is the assumption that the majority of people are good, which we know is untrue by reading the Bible. If you don’t like the Bible, read history and dare to tell yourself the majority in any given context is to be trusted. Good luck.
3. Fear of Ridicule
Being the object of ridicule is a direct hit on pride and self-esteem. No one wants to be viewed as a crazy person or a delusional freak. We want to be respected.
Those who build their confidence on the approval of people are doomed to fall into a caustic fear of contempt, which leads to self-doubt. When this seed of doubt takes root, the mind is compelled to abandon its conscience and concede to the stronger will of an external force.
4. Fear of Shame
No one wants to be found guilty of disrespecting victims of a greater catastrophe or insulting the underprivileged of a community.
Those who lack moral confidence and look to society for virtue points are likely to be overcome by this troubling fear of shame. Internal conviction is overshadowed by external contempt from those who exploit victimhood for political gain.
Fear corrupts the mind and enslaves it to another. It compels us to abandon our good sense and judgment for safety and security. All forms of fear are irrational because they are born from the fear of man rather than a respect for personal conscience and an all-powerful God who commends you thereto.
How pathetic is this conspiracy to dominate society with facts by wicked means! The utter disrespect for personal conscience, willful disregard for basic logic and reasoning, and exploitation of human weakness is despicable.
Demonizing truth and persecuting those who pursue it is the only pathway for serpents to inject their venom of lies into the veins of a free-thinking society; to line up all the truth-seekers and execute them in plain site by convicting them as conspiracy theorists.
But when we embrace critical thinking, courageously reunite with our conscience, and abandon our fears, this wretched campaign against truth becomes trivial and conspiracy theories hold their rightful place in a free-thinking society.
We have a decision to make on an individual level. Will we surrender our minds to the whims of pretentious external forces? Will we allow them to make us their ideological slaves by disrespecting our conscience and preying on our miserable fears?
Regardless of how you choose to answer for yourself, congratulations you’re a conspiracy theorist! And there’s nothing you can do about it.